Multiple PLC Trainer
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Multiple PLC Trainer


General Description:
Multiple PLC Trainer (XPO-EDU PLC II) contain nine different reputed PLC where any two PLC does no use same, It have used seventeen (17) extra input/output module for interfacing Nine (9) different PLC. Thatâ•Žs why students can be programming, interfacing with input and outputload from nine different reputed brands PLC.As a result they are capable to control of machinery from industries where use of PLC.

Experiment List:

The constriction of nine different categories PLC.
Interfacing method of nine different categories PLC.
Programming method of nine different categories PLC.
Pick & Place using PLC & Pneumatic Air Suction method.
Pick & Place using PLC & Pneumatic Gripper method.
Water Pump Control using nine different categories PLC.
Fire Indication System using nine different categories PLC.
Traffic Light Control using nine different categories PLC.

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